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The BLT Episode 25: Juan Good Turn Deserves a Mother

The BLT Episode 25: Juan Good Turn Deserves a Mother

From Peru to China to Australia, here are the offbeat news stories that made it into our latest BLT. 

Do you have some news that’s perfect for the BLT that we’ve missed? Tell us, and find out more about how we work by getting in contact today!

The Show Must Go On 

Spanish pop superstar Rosalía, let down thousands of fans by leaving Peru off her tour schedule despite it being one of her biggest fanbases. But, not wishing to leave people disappointed, one Peruvian man had a plan. Ionis Patsias, a Youtube star and seasoned tribute artist, put on a show starring as Rosalía himself. And it was a sellout; Dancing to over 3 thousand fans, he faithfully replicated the costume changes, dance routines, lighting, stage design, and so on.  

Clips showing just how meticulous the recreation was, have gone viral.  

Mummy Issues 

Another Peruvian man hit the headline, but for a less praise-worthy story. The delivery man was acting drunk at a Puno archaeological site. Searching his cooler bag probably expecting to find some beers, police certainly weren’t expecting to find Juanita, his “spiritual girlfriend.” Juanita is an 800-or so-year-old bandaged mummy. He claimed she belonged to his father and kept her next to the TV in his room.  

Upon further inspection, Juanita was, in fact, a male, aged 45 or so at his time of death. Juanita (or should we say “Juan”) is now in the hands of the ministry of culture. 

Long Distance Smooching 

For those struggling with separation from their (living) partners, a remote kissing device is here to save the day. On sale for around 38 US dollars, the 3D silicone gadget tracks the movement, temperature and pressure of a kiss, recreating it for a partner to receive across the world. 

Who Let the Cats Out? 

The Council in Freemantle, Western Australia, are taking charge of the feline-related issues they’ve been having. Too many of the native gardens and their wildlife were being preyed upon by unsupervised pet cats. Now, cats are effectively banned from lurking outdoors in council-owned areas like roads, verges, and bushlands unless they are wearing a lead.  

Social Puzzzzzle Solving

Ever copied an answer in a test? Well, it turns out bees to it too.

A study from Queen Mary University of London found that - instead of solving puzzles for themselves for a sugary reward - bumblebees, learned the solutions by copying more experienced peers.

That’s it for this week. Until next time! 

We’re always amazed at how many links form between the random selection of stories brought to the meeting each week! Which story is your favourite? We’ll see you next week for another delicious visual sandwich.

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