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Barts NHS - The Power of Sustainability

Barts NHS

The Power of Sustainability

Project Scrapbook

About our partners

Bart’s Health NHS Trust is committed to delivering world-class healthcare and to ensuring the Trust remains fit to do so both now and in the future.

The trust is the largest NHS trust in the UK and is passionate about sustainability, working hard to develop new initiatives and effect positive change within their 5 hospital sites and workforce of 15,000.

The challenge

Bart’s Health NHS Trust understands that they need to embed a culture that enables early adoption, adaptation and innovation to be driven throughout the organisation and into the core of the health services we deliver. In order to reach the highest number of stakeholders possible we were commissioned to create an explainer video for them

The film

Sustainability in the NHS is about delivering high quality patient care for all and ensuring we can do so today, tomorrow and for years to come. It’s the small changes to the way we work that can make a huge difference.

Watch the film to find out how Bart's Health NHS Trust have inspired actionable change and relieved pressure on resources, making them go further, resulting in a total saving of £9.2M p.a and 48,511 tonnes of CO2.

The context

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