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Unite BT - Unite Business with Technology

Unite BT

Unite Business with Technology

Project scrapbook

The challenge

Unite BT wanted to engage people in the world of IT services without getting too technical.  So, rather than a standard description of their technology, products and services, we told the story of doing business through the ages.  The film explains how, as markets and technologies change, the danger is that the businessman or ‘trader’ spends more time dealing with the technology rather than doing business.   The detail of the imagery and environments feels richer and is more evocative, bringing a stronger sense of emotion to the film AND as a result it helps us make Unite BT the hero of the story. 

About our partners

Unite BT are an IT service provider in Turkey, whose 100,000 plus customers include some of Turkeys biggest businesses right down to individual smart phone users. Their mission is to provide the highest standard of service for their customers’ technology.

The film

Are you a slave to data, or are you the ruler of your digital empire? Find out how the increasing complexities of business down the ages has vastly increased the volume of data and driven innovations in information technology, from the invention of writing to cloud computing. We see how Unite BT, Turkey’s biggest independent IT services manager, ensures that everyone can master their data, leaving them free for the business of doing business.

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