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PSW - Transformative Living Spaces


Transformative Living Spaces

PSW is dedicated to delivering professional construction services and helping clients create their perfect living spaces. Working with other companies, the process of bringing a project to completion can suffer from delay after delay. PSW has designed a process to help clients avoid this and get the living space they’ve dreamed of. We helped PSW share their innovative process in this explainer video.

The Brief

To bring PSW’s vision to the screen, our creative team needed to deliver an engaging animated explainer video that echoed clients’ expectations and worries, answering their concerns. We needed to explain PSW’s process and show why it is better than their competitors, highlighting how it benefits clients and helps them avoid common issues.

The Explainer Video

Building a living space or undertaking a big construction project on your home can be exciting. But it doesn’t always go smoothly. Our animation opened by showing client hopes and the problems that often occur. Our visual thinking and use of characters brought all this to life through relatable and engaging illustrations that will strike a chord with anyone who has been through a bad construction experience.

This laid the foundations for us to share PSW’s credentials in the sector and their industry-leading process. As a positive and professional voiceover described each stage of the PSW process, our visual storytelling brought it to life through memorable and explanatory illustrations. PSW’s values and other USPs made up an important part of their message, and our creative team weaved these in seamlessly as the narrative unfolded.

Our whiteboard explainer video for PSW took viewers from the chaos of a poorly managed construction site to the satisfaction of a finished home and a happy family. Our animation educated viewers about PSW’s process and pitched them as the company to go with when considering a construction project.

The Client  

For over 40 years, PSW has been creating residential construction projects that meet their high ethical and quality standards, delivering exceptional work for their clients.

The Context

Find out more about PSW here.

To turn your complex idea into a whiteboard animation, contact us or book a creative consultation today.

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We Are Cognitive are award-winning pioneers of whiteboard animation, and the creators behind the RSA Animates series. We help corporate, academic and charitable organisations like the BBC, TED, Coca Cola and Sanofi to tell their stories more powerfully.