Connecting with people in a world of remote working

Many are finding that the new world of remote-working is raising new and different communications challenges as we try to keep our audiences engaged.

It's clear how important face to face communication is. Those informal moment of serendipity have never felt so valuable; the conversations in the corridor, at the coffee station, while waiting for a meeting to start. These precious moments that give a lot - information of course, but also ideas, reassurance and often a little boost to our wellbeing.

We are turning to digital communications tools like Zoom, Slack and good old email to replace these important moments. They do a pretty great job but we believe that when communicating at a distance, it is easy for people to:

  • ignore or miss the message

  • be confused, particularly if the communication is a 'broadcast'

  • find the content dull and not to engage with it

  • miss a sense of human connection

So, how can the Cognitive proposition help?

  1. Our visual style stands out when compared to most other forms of communication making it harder to ignore and more memorable.

  2. We unpack and map information, using metaphors and cultural references to make the information more understandable and meaningful.

  3. We inject humour, and can animate content, to make communications more entertaining, kindle a smile and create a stronger human connection.

And our research with Professor Richard Wiseman, shows these techniques work - increasing recall, entertainment and the likelihood to share content.

Don't take our word for it - have a look at the communications below and see how they work for you. We created these simple, quick turn-around visual communications to help amplify the official coronavirus guidance and support individual wellbeing. We brought clarity to these often complex topics and illustrated them in a way that stands out, and stays with viewers.

In the current environment audiences are feeling uninformed, confused and isolated. We’re sure your communications are addressing these challenges, if you feel we can help please do get in touch.

P.S. Please feel free to download, by right clicking and saving, the infographics here and use any of these communications with your audiences.

And if you want to read the research on how our approach works, find more information and download the research summary here.