whiteboard videos

The BLT Episode 19: Dear Beer and the Poultry Pioneer

The BLT Episode 19: Dear Beer and the Poultry Pioneer

A puzzling week indeed. If our BLT left you bewildered or whet your appetite for more detail about the week's stories, this blog is for you. 

The BLT Episode 10: Booze, Lawsuits and Telescopes

The BLT Episode 10: Booze, Lawsuits and Telescopes

There are a few things certain in this life. The classics include death and taxes, but if this week is anything to go by we can discoveries and consequences.

The BLT Episode 9: Of Ice and Men

The BLT Episode 9: Of Ice and Men

The BLT often includes animal content, and this episode is no exception, as we weave through the news stories that piqued our interest this week

The BLT Episode 8: Enzymes, They Are A-Changin'

The BLT Episode 8: Enzymes, They Are A-Changin'

This week’s episode takes us from old English woods to orbiting satellites as we tune in to the natural world’s response to climate change and create ways to reduce pollution and live more sustainably.

The BLT Episode 7: Running Up That Bill

The BLT Episode 7: Running Up That Bill

Of course, this week's BLT had to be themed around Glastonbury festival as it kicks off for the first time in 3 years.

Read on for more details about the festival and the other hot topics that made it into the BLT.

The BLT Episode 6: Putting I.T. Bluntly

The BLT Episode 6: Putting I.T. Bluntly

It’s been an exciting week for discoveries! Some have brought hope and sadly, some have reminded us of the impact we are having on this marvellous planet we call home. There have been a few losses this week, however.

The BLT Episode 5: Knighty McKnightface

The BLT Episode 5: Knighty McKnightface

Our national treasure, Sir David Attenborough has been knighted for the second time! We take a look at some positive climate updates in his honour.

The BLT Episode 4: The Jubilee Special

The BLT Episode 4: The Jubilee Special

It’s not every week that there is a Platinum Jubilee! We’ve chosen to focus this week’s BLT on Her Majesty, looking into some of the curiosities of the crown.

The BLT Episode 1: Liquid Thinkers - Calling time on Party-gators

The BLT Episode 1: Liquid Thinkers - Calling time on Party-gators

The BLT combines our passion for visual thinking, the week’s news and our creative team to create a delicious visual treat for your feed every week!