Tim LeLean - Networking — Cognitive

Tim LeLean - Networking

Tim LeLean Networking


Tim LeLean is an expert facilitator and organisational development consultant with over 15 years’ experience in the areas of leadership development, change management and innovation.

Their need

Not everyone is a natural networker. In fact, some people find it very intimidating. Tim wanted a workshop tool to illustrate what people need to do to become better at networking. It had to be arresting, engaging and memorable.

How we collaborated

Tim came to us with a six bullet point list that summed up his workshop theme of how anyone can improve their networking abilities. But how do you turn bullet points into something fun, fascinating and memorable? We took the list away and ‘swarmed’ it in a group brainstorming session. The resulting rough ‘blue line’ version was given to Tim for feedback and once he had given us his thoughts, we went ahead to create the final illustration.

The result was a visual story that tied all six bullet points together in a single big picture. Perfect for use in workshops and as printed takeaways.

Project scrapbook