HackerOne - Security@ 2020 Conference — Cognitive

HackerOne - Security@ 2020 Conference


Security@ 2020 Conference

Back for its fourth year, Security@ is HackerOne’s global security conference. The conference brings together security industry influencers, elite hackers and thought leaders to create the industry’s largest gathering - with everyone there to discuss the role of hackers in cybersecurity. We the points raised in the event and translated them into rich visuals, using digital scribing the digital scribing technique.


The challenge

The Security@ Conference was a treasure trove of information and insights, our challenge was first to distill the events into key messages and take-aways before applying visual thinking to create engaging and rich visuals that communicate the messages of each event. Our scribe had to follow brand guidelines and a broader illustration style, to create concise individual event captures to feature in one big picture document that reflected the conference as a whole.

The Digital Scribing session

We used several facets of visual thinking to explain the central messages of Security@ in an engaging way. Visual metaphors played an important role, they allowed us to translate abstract ideas and concepts into memorable illustrations. This can be seen in places such as the laptops flying towards a cloud, reflecting the migration of services to the cloud. Icons also played a crucial role; these allowed us to communicate a lot of relatable information in a single image. We used highly recognisable imagery to anchor meaning into our icons, like the full screen symbol to embody an external view and crosshairs to imply changes to scope. Relatable scenes and characters played an important role, adding a sense of familiarity and charm through their illustration style.

A combination of powerful visual thinking and these devices allowed us to synthesize the wealth of topics discussed at Security@ 2020 into a set of visual notes and a call to action, perfect for social media and post-event materials.

About the client

Created by hackers with a passion to make the internet safer, HackerOne’s platform has become the industry standard in hacker-based security. They are driven by values such as community empowerment, integrity and disclosure, and today they have offices in four different countries. Security@ has been running for four years and has tackled subjects such as designing bug bounty programs and managing cyber threats with human intelligence.

The context

Find out more about the work of HackerOne here and catch up on Security@ 2020 here.

Cognitive are award-winning pioneers of whiteboard animation, and the creators behind the RSA Animates series. We help corporate, academic and charitable organisations like the BBC, TED, Coca Cola and Sanofi to tell their stories more powerfully. Find out more about us here.