example of visual communication

The Power of Pictures: How Early Storytelling Shapes Us

The Power of Pictures: How Early Storytelling Shapes Us

Often the very first books we encounter are picture books, our first introduction to the power of rich visual language. While our books change, the power of this language doesn’t. We’ve reflected on visual language, from picture books to explainer videos and whiteboard animation.

Neil Patel - The Future of SEO: 7 top tips for 2020

Neil Patel - The Future of SEO: 7 top tips for 2020

We attended Neil’ virtual summit on the 22nd October, it was a fascinating and in-depth look at SEO! We took lots of notes and have captured 7 key points here! Sadly there is no Holy Grail.

The RSA Shorts Series wins at the Webbys!

The RSA Shorts Series wins at the Webbys!

Recently we heard the excellent news that RSA have won a Webby Award, described by the New York Times as as ‘the Internet’s highest honor’.

Supercharge Your Social Media With Cognitive

Supercharge Your Social Media With Cognitive

Whiteboard Animations and illustrations can take your social media engagement to the next level. Read our post to find out why, and how our illustrations helped Project Everyone super-charge their story!

Explainer Videos: What are they? Why do you need one?

Explainer Videos: What are they? Why do you need one?

Explainer Videos have become an important part of the digital world, but what are they and why do you need one? Read on to find out.

Stages of Samatha - Visualisation and Metaphor

Stages of Samatha - Visualisation and Metaphor

It is interesting to see how the fundamental tools we use everyday at Cognitive, such as mapping out a story arc or using a metaphor to simplify and explain a complex idea, can be used in the pursuit of mental and spiritual improvement.

When pictures really are worth a thousand words

When pictures really are worth a thousand words

At Cognitive we tell stories. If you want to remember a message then storytelling is the best vehicle to do this. Our brains are far more engaged by stories than lists of facts and figures.

Character Development in Gaming

Character Development in Gaming

Powerful storytelling in games is a key feature for creating a world that players can immerse themselves in. Broaching a variety of difficult subject matters, interactive software has increased it’s suitability and accessibility to a wider audience and it’s fair to say the gaming world has expanded its horizons exponentially, giving it’s creative fantasy world a fundamental core of all-too-real issues.

Capturing the essence of someone

Capturing the essence of someone

In a lot of our Cognitive films, we are required to draw a public figure within the animation, whether it be a celebrity or a company employee. In this blog one of our brilliant illustrators takes us through the steps to creating an uncanny portrait.

Mapping out, drawing and animating history *Ahem* Herstory!

Mapping out, drawing and animating history *Ahem* Herstory!

At Cognitive we love unpacking complex information and mapping it out in space and stories like ‘What the suffragettes did for us’ are a great opportunity to supercharge the narrative with emotive drawings and kinetic animation.

Visual Synthesis - How Does It Work?

Visual Synthesis - How Does It Work?

When working this way it is best to try and keep a balance between the logic of a piece and the stylistic realisation. We want it to be attractive and engaging but we also want it to make sense to the audience. The key for us is to try and build a map of relationships, a connected diagram to visualise the thought processes of the speaker.