example of whiteboard animation — The Cognitive Blog — Cognitive

example of whiteboard animation

Whiteboard Animations by Cognitive, Staff Favourites Part 1

Whiteboard Animations by Cognitive, Staff Favourites Part 1

It’s hard to work on so many whiteboard animations and not develop a few personal favourites. We put some of our team on the spot to get theirs.

Why does whiteboard animation work so well?

Why does whiteboard animation work so well?

Senior Creative Kayle McLeish talks about what makes Whiteboard Animation such an effective tool for creatives that make explainer films, comparing it to a Swiss Army Knife.

Five Ways To Make Your Whiteboard Animation Stand Out

Five Ways To Make Your Whiteboard Animation Stand Out

What is the difference between just another Whiteboard Animation and one that goes above and beyond, and really speaks to you? At Cognitive we think there are five things that make the difference, and we put them into each of our Whiteboard Animations to make them the best they can be.

Visualising and explaining Prof. Stephen Hawking's Supertranslations theory

Visualising and explaining Prof. Stephen Hawking's Supertranslations theory

Black Holes might not seem to be visually engaging at the outset. Ultimately there’s not a lot to work with when you think of a hole that swallows light so nothing can be seen. But for Cognitive this is exactly the sort of challenge we love. Hear from Andrew Park about how he and the team visually translated Prof Hawking’s final Black Hole theory of Supertranslations.

Explainer Videos: What are they? Why do you need one?

Explainer Videos: What are they? Why do you need one?

Explainer Videos have become an important part of the digital world, but what are they and why do you need one? Read on to find out.

Talk to the Hand - Andrew Park on RSA Animates

Talk to the Hand - Andrew Park on RSA Animates

Originally published by the RSA in 2015, Andrew Park muses on his creation of the RSAnimates style and the invention of whiteboard animation. ‘When one returns to something there is a tendency to look back over what went before - to assess where you have come from in order to move forward.’

Behind the scenes of our latest film for #ForestProud

Behind the scenes of our latest film for #ForestProud

Continuing our series of animated explainer videos for the North American Forest Partnership, we explore ‘Wildfire’; the effects it has on the forest and what can be done by local communities to manage it.

A little trick that helps humanise our animations

A little trick that helps humanise our animations

Easing is a technique that allows us to humanise the animation and enable viewers to follow narration more smoothly - here we show you the effect works and why our animations are so successful.

Mapping out, drawing and animating history *Ahem* Herstory!

Mapping out, drawing and animating history *Ahem* Herstory!

At Cognitive we love unpacking complex information and mapping it out in space and stories like ‘What the suffragettes did for us’ are a great opportunity to supercharge the narrative with emotive drawings and kinetic animation.