Black Holes might not seem to be visually engaging at the outset. Ultimately there’s not a lot to work with when you think of a hole that swallows light so nothing can be seen. But for Cognitive this is exactly the sort of challenge we love. Hear from Andrew Park about how he and the team visually translated Prof Hawking’s final Black Hole theory of Supertranslations.
Behind the scenes of our latest film for #ForestProud
Creating appealing characters – Simplify and exaggerate!
Working with Project Everyone on #FactFriday for The Global Goals
Stages of Samatha - Visualisation and Metaphor
When pictures really are worth a thousand words
Character Development in Gaming
Powerful storytelling in games is a key feature for creating a world that players can immerse themselves in. Broaching a variety of difficult subject matters, interactive software has increased it’s suitability and accessibility to a wider audience and it’s fair to say the gaming world has expanded its horizons exponentially, giving it’s creative fantasy world a fundamental core of all-too-real issues.
Mapping out, drawing and animating history *Ahem* Herstory!
Visual Synthesis - How Does It Work?
When working this way it is best to try and keep a balance between the logic of a piece and the stylistic realisation. We want it to be attractive and engaging but we also want it to make sense to the audience. The key for us is to try and build a map of relationships, a connected diagram to visualise the thought processes of the speaker.