The Golden Ratio: Where Art Meets Precision and Nature Reveals Its Blueprint

The Golden Ratio: Where Art Meets Precision and Nature Reveals Its Blueprint

This peculiar proportion, approximately 1.618, has been lurking in the shadows of human creativity for millennia, like a mathematical James Bond, seducing architects, artists, and designers with its promise of perfection.

99 Problems: How Do You Reignite Innovation in Your Team?

99 Problems: How Do You Reignite Innovation in Your Team?

Have you ever been in a meeting where you could just feel your team's energy slipping away? Sometimes meetings drag on, and fresh ideas are as rare as a decent cup of tea, well, in the whole of America!

Anthropomorphism: Why Do We Give Feelings To Machines?

Anthropomorphism: Why Do We Give Feelings To Machines?

Why do we see faces in clouds, cars with expressions, or even attribute human emotions to our household appliances (admit it, your Henry Hoover has feelings)? The answer lies in the ancient concept of anthropomorphism—a principle as old as humanity itself, born from our inherent need to understand and relate to the world around us by projecting our own characteristics onto it.

Hick's Law: The Overwhelming Choice of Dilemma

Hick's Law: The Overwhelming Choice of Dilemma

Picture this: You walk into a diner with a menu the size of a small novel. You’re hungry, but now you’re stuck—overwhelmed by choice, paralysed by indecision. Welcome to Hick’s Law in action, a psychological principle that’s been quietly dictating human behaviour since the 1950s...

99 Problems: Chasing the Market

99 Problems: Chasing the Market

We’ve all been there, haven’t we? That frantic rush, always trying to keep up with the latest trend. Blink, and it’s gone—again. It’s like standing on a moving walkway, but it’s speeding up, and you’re dragging along a suitcase packed full of never-ending to-do lists.

The Scaling Fallacy: A Tricky Little Concept

The Scaling Fallacy: A Tricky Little Concept

Understanding the Scaling Fallacy isn't just for philosophers or over-caffeinated academics. It's vital for anyone who wants to make an impact with their ideas, especially in creative fields where size does not always equate to success.

Performance Load: The Art of Less

Performance Load: The Art of Less

Performance Load teaches us that less truly is more. Visual thinking is about distilling complexity into clarity, turning a tangled web of ideas into a neat, navigable roadmap.

99 Problems: Why Short-Term Gains Are the Silent Killers of Your Future Success—and How to Fix It

99 Problems: Why Short-Term Gains Are the Silent Killers of Your Future Success—and How to Fix It

You know that feeling when you’ve just nailed a quick win? The rush, the thrill, the sense of accomplishment—it’s like a hit of dopamine, making you feel like you’re on top of the world. But here’s the thing no one tells you...

Constraint: Creativity's Secret Weapon

Constraint: Creativity's Secret Weapon

Ever heard of the phrase, ‘necessity is the mother of invention’? Turns out, constraint is its often-overlooked sibling—perhaps the unsung hero of creativity.

99 Problems: Overcoming Burnout

99 Problems: Overcoming Burnout

Ignoring burnout doesn't just impact outcomes; it gradually wears down the very essence of team connection and effectiveness. But here's the encouraging part: there's a way forward that is both within reach and within our control. 

Signal to Noise: Navigating the Creative Cosmos

Signal to Noise: Navigating the Creative Cosmos

In the chaotic symphony of modern life, where every ping and notification competes for our limited attention, the concept of ‘signal to noise’ has never been more relevant. But before it became the buzzword of the digital age, it had its origins in the dry and dusty world of early telecommunications.

Closure: The Unsung Hero of Visual Thinking

Closure: The Unsung Hero of Visual Thinking

It is more than just rounding off; it is a psychological experience where the brain concludes what remains hanging in the balance.

Archetypes: The Blueprints of Our Minds and Why We Should Care

Archetypes: The Blueprints of Our Minds and Why We Should Care

Have you ever wondered why certain stories just hit us in a different way? Chances are, you're in the grasp of something archetypal; those universal, almost sneaky patterns of theme and form that are hardwired into our very being.

Error: The Key To New Pathways And Understanding

Error: The Key To New Pathways And Understanding

When we design, whether that be a piece of graphic design, a software integration or a whiteboard animation, we should strive to minimise errors and make them easy to correct.

Unlocking The Potential Of Failure

Unlocking The Potential Of Failure

Today, I want to explore a theme that is as ancient as it is perpetually relevant, failure. It’s a concept that shapes our very DNA, prompting where we go, helping us grow in our personal and our professional lives.

How Advance Organisers Can Help You Make Sense Of The World

How Advance Organisers Can Help You Make Sense Of The World

Bridge the knowledge gap by exploring the role of advanced organisers in visual thinking and comms.

The Medium Is The Message: What It Means For Us Today

The Medium Is The Message: What It Means For Us Today

It gives us great pleasure to have you join me for this issue, as we explore the fascinating and always relevant subject of "The Medium is the Message."

Visual Metaphors: The Powerful Tool At The Heart Of Visual Thinking

Visual Metaphors: The Powerful Tool At The Heart Of Visual Thinking

This week's theme is a topic that is close to my heart: visual metaphors. Visual metaphors are at the core of visual thinking, and I'm excited to investigate them with you in this issue.

How To Get The Most From Mind Mapping

How To Get The Most From Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is a powerful tool for visual thinking that can transform the way you organise information, brainstorm ideas, and enhance creativity.