LayerTwo Labs - BIP 300

LayerTwo Labs

BIP 300


LayerTwo Labs want to unleash the full freedom and prosperity of Bitcoin by removing Altcoin and Fiat transactions. To achieve this, LayerTwo Labs design and produce advanced Bitcoin sidechains, and at the heart of this is Drivechain. We worked with LayerTwo Labs to create a whiteboard explainer video introducing BIP 300.

The Brief

LayerTwo Labs have created what could be the last change ever needed to the code behind Bitcoin. This is no mean feat! It’s also no mean feat to capture this fully in an animation.

Using metaphor and humour, our whiteboard video needed to set the scene by explaining current issues and the developments layerTwo Labs has made possible, while encouraging viewers to get actively involved.

The Explainer Video

At We Are Cognitive, we love a good metaphor, and while planning how to best share LayerTwo Lab’s message, the visual language of space felt like the perfect way to capture the full complexity. Within this over-arching metaphor, our creative team were able to add engaging visual thinking that crystallised the points and concepts in LayerTwo Lab’s message into relatable and memorable illustrations.

Whether it was use of a constellation to show different coins becoming united or more classic imagery like an icon image of a security guard, we used a rich and charming illustration style to bring the carefully considered script to the screen - delivered by a voiceover that exuded confidence and authority.

Explanation of this important topic was completed by onscreen text, and animation brought the story to life - adding engagement and even more charm. The end result was a visually rich and informative whiteboard animation that explained it’s message clearly and inspired viewers to get onboard with LayerTwo Lab’s vision.

The Client  

LayerTwo Labs seeks to make everyone in the world a Bitcoin user, by scaling and building out drivechains for the Bitcoin Network. Drivechains are at the heart of LayerTwo Lab’s mission, and company has put forward two Bitcoin improvement proposals.

The Context

Find out more about LayerTwo Labs and download their drivechain from the LayerTwo Labs website.

To turn your complex idea into a whiteboard animation, contact us or book a creative consultation today.

We Are Cognitive are award-winning pioneers of whiteboard animation, and the creators behind the RSA Animates series. We help corporate, academic and charitable organisations like the BBC, TED, Coca Cola and Sanofi to tell their stories more powerfully.