The Royal Society - Unconscious Bias

The Royal Society

Unconscious Bias

About the Client

The Royal Society is a Fellowship of the world’s most distinguished scientists drawn from all areas of science, engineering and medicine. The Royal Society approached us to make a whiteboard animation exploring the impact of unconscious bias on selection and appointment decisions.

The Explainer Video

The animation challenges and exposes unconscious bias. In just under three minutes we outline what unconscious bias is, the way it influences decision making and solutions that reduce the risk of unconscious bias affecting this decision making. We used a professional but approachable tone to bring this message to viewers, making the most of the capacity for playfulness and charm in whiteboard animation. We introduced the topic with a classic example before exploring the impacts of unconscious bias in relation to the judgments we make on people. Classic references to art and literature alongside metaphors such as icebergs and playing cards allowed us to visualise this information, making it more accessible and memorable.

The final film combined script, voiceover and script to inform its audience about unconscious bias in an engaging way. Our animation disseminated their message widely and complimented additional training.